Independent of whom you are and to what you dedicate yourself will be moments in your life in which you feel that something does not go well, that what beams do not take to any side to you and you ask if you are wasting the time and you would have to leave. It has happened to you sometimes? Or perhaps you have clarsimo that is hour to change, of something new, but you are scared. Fear to arrepentirte, to squander all along, money and formation that you have invested until now. To which they are going to think other people, to the feeling of failure to leave, to finish worse than before What wonderful would be to know when we must leave and when it is worth the trouble to follow ahead, truth? Or better, if you choose to leave, to be able to make it and confidence surely. I am not going to say if you must leave or no, you to you you are the unique one who can make this decision because nobody you knows better than you yourself. Nevertheless, yes I want to share with you what I have learned on the subject, as much by means of books as by my own experience.
In fact, I recommend the book to you " Abismo" (The DIP) of Seth Godin, that treats east subject and from I removed very valuable lessons. This is what I have learned: That you have invested to time and effort in something does not cause that something continues being worth the trouble, nor that your perseverancia and effort are productive. It is sufficient reward to have enjoyed the inverted time throughout. To leave does not mean to fail, and in fact it can be a form to avoid the failure. So consideralo an option (words of Seth). That you have committed errors in the past does not mean that you cannot make a good decision now.
In fact, I recommend the book to you " Abismo" (The DIP) of Seth Godin, that treats east subject and from I removed very valuable lessons. This is what I have learned: That you have invested to time and effort in something does not cause that something continues being worth the trouble, nor that your perseverancia and effort are productive. It is sufficient reward to have enjoyed the inverted time throughout. To leave does not mean to fail, and in fact it can be a form to avoid the failure. So consideralo an option (words of Seth). That you have committed errors in the past does not mean that you cannot make a good decision now.